Dr. Susan Lycett Davis has been awarded the honor of Professor Emeritus.


For Immediate Release:  June 15, 2017.........CONGRATULATIONS!!! After seventeen years of service and recent retirement from Nova Southeastern University (NSU), Dr. Susan Lycett Davis has been awarded the honor of Professor Emeritus.  This honor speaks to her outstanding career as an HR Practitioner/Educator, and exemplary service, facilitating learning as a subject expert in organizational leadership; conflict resolution; and Human Resources development.

While at NSU, Dr. Davis stayed engaged in not just teaching and facilitation but served on many committees within the College of Education and University-wide. She also worked in several voluntary capacities, such as student advisor to the Nova International Students Association (NISA); chair of the Black Heritage Council; Coordinator of the College of Education's Employee Incentive Program and Scholars' Round Table. As HR Coordinator, she developed and implemented the Employee Orientation Program and the C.A.R.E. initiative (COMMITMENT to Work; positive ATTITUDE; RESPECT for all; EXCELLENCE in service delivery) which governed the culture of the college for many years.

Dr. Davis continues to serve as an Adjunct and an NSU Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Petitioner.

The award of Professor Emeritus entitles Dr. Davis to several permanent rights and privileges, approved by the Board of Trustees, as she will forever be considered part of the NSU family.

A community Activist, Entertainer, Writer, Author, Philanthropist, and Speaker, Dr. Davis (aka Dr. Sue) is positioning herself to continue to live her passion, of serving wherever and whenever needed, in her varied roles and areas of expertise!

Says Dr. Davis/Dr. Sue on her seemingly early retirement, "I am where I am destined to be at this time and so I move forward boldly, in faith!  In the words of one of my poems 'Use me, Lord, use me, send me Lord send me...!'

I'm ready to be all that I can be...watch this space!"