About Dr. Sue

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SUSAN LYCETT DAVIS – DR SUE - “British by birth, Jamaican by choice and American by naturalization.”

I teach…empower…facilitate learning….I EDUCATE

I write…perform…act….I ENTERTAIN

I support…volunteer…serve.…I ELEVATE

But…as I recently stated in an interview, I am simply and most importantly, a daughter, auntie, cousin, friend…a child of God!  Secondly, I am an educator, author, writer, poet, storyteller, speaker, community and cultural activist.  I am a human resources practitioner, having chosen this career path because of my passion for the welfare of people and desire to champion the cause of the voiceless.  Whether I am identified in my role as Dr Sue, Dr Davis, or simply Susan…my objective remains the same – to serve, entertain, educate and elevate.

As a Professor, Researcher and Consultant, I have a keen interest in human resources development, cultural competency and diversity issues and I spend time assessing, developing and implementing initiatives that will benefit the welfare of people.  I have been instrumental in conceptualizing and developing several models that have been presented at conferences nationally as I embrace and encourage change and academic advancement.

My purpose in life is to serve others and help them grow through the facilitation of learning, professional and personal development.  My mantra is - ”Find your passion, live your dream.”

I am humbly recognized as one of Jamaica’s “Women in Community Service” in JoAnne Simpson’s book, ‘The Jamaican Woman:  A Celebration.’

I recently published my third book - “Living A HIP Life” - Humble I Intentional I Prepared - The story of a Mother as told by a daughter which follows two previous books of poetry “I am Jamaica” and “Ode to Miss Lou…From the Soul of Dr Sue” – a Jamaica 50 Collectible Edition


Dr. Susan Lycett Davis (known affectionately and throughout S.Florida cultural and literary circles, as “Dr.Sue”) is a talented young artist, who writes and is imbued with, the true spirit of the late Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley -“Miss Lou” She continues to grow and enrich the literary landscape with her insightful and humorous interpretation of the Jamaican culture and we congratulate her on the launch of her new book -“I am Jamaica”
— Norma Darby – Jamaica Folk Revue