Each one must help one…..take time to be of service!
The Dr Sue Charitable Foundation Inc. (DSCF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, established to help and support, individuals, groups, causes and initiatives. Through volunteer services, motivational speaking, mission trips and community outreach, DSCF uplifts and supports those in need. It strives to encourage, empower and elevate others in reaching their full potential.
DSCF lends itself to three main initiatives:
Community Engagement: Through the proceeds from the sale of books, DSCF has been able to sponsor and donate to community organizations who are engaged in outreach projects with youth, homeless, seniors and others in need.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention: Exploring and advancing the mechanisms that need to be in place to control, abate, bring awareness to the universal issue of child sexual abuse, in an effort to eradicate the atrocity - DSCF lends time, funds and resources to individuals, campaigns and organizations. “Supporting victims, speaking out, sharing personal stories and breaking the silence, removing the ‘carpet’, addressing the stigma, and bringing awareness to real, hard, painful truths!” – Dr Sue, Silent for Too long!
The Lin & Melbourne Davis Scholarship Fund: This scholarship is established to support students globally, who are economically, socially and/or academically challenged. Students are mentored through DSCF and are helped with books and school supplies through an annual scholarship.
DSCF mentors, sponsors and supports students in the USA, The Caribbean, Rwanda and Uganda.
DSCF has donated to/sponsored:
The Louise Bennett Coverley All Age School - Jamaica
Food For the Poor
World Help - Uganda
The Jamaica Diaspora Education Task Force
The Eve For Life – Nuh Guh Deh Campaign
RORO Star – Child Empowerment Initiative - Haiti
The Jesus Love You Ministry – Outreach for the Homeless
The Mount Olivet Boys Home - Jamaica
“I just want to say thanks again for your words of encouragement through your inspirational poems. I have sought to apply them to each moment in my life asking God to use me for His will and chanting not to give up throughout the difficulties because someone else is fighting a more difficult battle than mine. They continue to motivate me. Please continue writing and touching hearts. You are truly blessed and talented.”