Hope For Nation

These words came to me last night as I slept “The outcome is not about your desire, it is about my plan!”

I am pained and saddened at the current unprecedented civil unrest that belies us as a nation at this time.

But I remain fearless and hopeful as I feel the calming voice that resides inside saying...”don’t worry, I got this.”

So come what may tomorrow, I will rest assured that I played my part in exercising my civic right and sought to advance the welfare of this....”one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." - Dr Sue


Humble, Intentional, Prepared

Susan Lycett Davis' New Book 'Living a HIP Life' is a Captivating Life Journey Filled With Wisdom, Faith, and Will

Vote…Your Life Depends on it!

These are seriously unprecedented times and so it calls for different behaviors and practices. This is an ideal time for us to adopt the concept of being HIP - Humble, Intentional, Prepared. As we approach the presidential election on November 3rd, let’s start getting ourselves and others ready to vote. HUMBLEThis is a time when we all need to get off our ‘high horses’ and be purposeful in thinking about where we are and where we’re wanting to go! We determine what kind of future we preserve for our children and grandchildren. Let us get outside of ourselves, and spend the coming days doing what we can to be intentional and prepared. INTENTIONALSo now that we realize we’ve got some work to do, let’s seek to be our sisters and brothers’ keepers. Let us resolve to encourage those around us— family, friends and associates—to make our voices heard by voting; ‘cause silence is not an option! Have them check in at www.Iwillvote.com to learn more about voting and to check if they are listed as being already registered. Decide whether you are going to vote in person or by mail. If by mail, get your ballots in early and encourage others to do the same. If in person, decide whether early or on Election Day. If Election Day, ensure you verify your voting/polling station. The early voting period runs from Monday, October 19, 2020 to Sunday, November 1, 2020, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live. Voters who want to vote early should present the following at the early voting site: a valid photo identification; and a signature identification.Voters can vote at any early voting site within their county of residence when the site is open. If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote using a provisional ballot. Your ballot will count if the signature on your ballot matches the signature on your voter registration record. (DOS) Visit www.Dos.myflorida.com PREPAREDIn the words of an old motto ‘Be prepared!” Start familiarizing yourself with the ballot for your county and city,  the amendments which appear on them, and decide how you’ll place your votes. Find out if the friends, family, and associates you’re encouraging have a means of making it to the polls. Offer to take them if you can or help make plans to get them there. Be prepared to mask up, exercise social distancing, and take a snack with you (just in case).   Don’t want to stand alone in line? Take someone, better yet a child who is not yet able to vote, so they can familiarize themselves with the process, and start appreciating the importance of their civic rights/duty.  Let’s value our democracy…go VOTE, validate our true effectiveness. 

CONTRIBUTED BY: Dr Susan Lycett Davis (Dr Sue), JWOF member, Author, Public Speaker and Entertainer


As The World Turns

As the world turns We keep making a ‘three-sixty’ instead of a ‘one-eighty!’ So we get excited ‘bout taking three steps forward... No sooner, we take a whole ten backwards. In this day and Age of Enlightenment and levity And inna dis time of Emancipendence and festivity We still being denigrated and oppressed ‘Bout we natural beauty and dread locked tress🥴

The systemic biases, prejudices, and post colonial intractability a nyam we out! Some say di ruling is not what the Justice mean Dem only want the lawyer dem fi get them case clean. But when the Education Minister say “school’s grooming rules must be ‘rights’ based....[and]...where the wearing of that hairstyle by the student is based on religion or health reasons.” Unno see wha dat mean? Dem still a marginalize di rest a we!

Jamaicans will never be free to be their uniquely natural, beautiful selves, if they are to be accepted by the classist, stuck-up, aristocracy with their imperialist ideologies. #SilenceIsNotAnOption #NubianQueen #NaturalBeauty #NappyAndNice
