Dr Sue and You

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The Authentic You - Living Your Truth

The Authentic You – Living Your Truth

So…who are you?

No…not, what is your name - I mean…who are you?

What is it that sets you apart from others?

What are your likes and dislikes?

What are your common or preferred styles?

  • Personality style

  • Conflict Management style

  • Social Interaction style

Yes….what are your styles, and who are you?

And… if you do know who you are, do you love you, are you happy with you and do you believe in you?

Not many can confidently say yes to this, but if you desire to know…know that it is a process, and a goal that can be achieved and one that is truly liberating!!!

Liberating because knowing who you are gives you:

  • Purpose

  • Strength & Resolve

  • Spiritual Fulfillment and

  • Releases your Passion

The Piece I wrote called I is significant and speaks to my inner soul, the essence of who I am…written some 30+ years ago, it still reflects who I am today.  So…who am I?


I am black,

I am free…

I have pride,

I have dignity.

I live and I let live

I don't believe in if… I believe in destiny

I believe in God, I know he is real.

I don't talk politics

I avoid people that do.

I love music

I love to dance.

I love to challenge     

I fight for my chance.

I am a woman I am the Best

I am what I am

I don't care about the rest.

I live

I love

I laugh

I cry

I am sensuous I am just 'I'.

Sure… there is more to me, but ‘I’ is the core of who I am…it is the fundamental truth on which all else about me is built.

Know you truth…live your truth…walk in your truth!!


Ephesians 2:10

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”